Monday, March 5, 2007

The Star gadgets

So long time I didn't update my blog(actually is just 6 days), and I notice a drop of my visitors. These days really busy, I hold 3 positions in my campus activities, and I meeting EVERY night since I came back to Melaka on 25th of February.

OK, cut the crap and back to the title. Windows Vista had been release last month, and the users are increasing. The Star saw that future, and they came out with their own Gadgets: one of the most significant feature in Windows Vista.

There are 4 gadgets: Most Viewed Stories, Market Watch, Star Jobs and Classifieds. The gadgets will show the categorized information, like latest jobs, most viewed important news, share market information, and classified.

Most Viewed Market Watch

Star Jobs Classifieds

For those users who already start using Windows Vista, you can give a try to these Gadgets. My housemates just bought a new Vista PC, and I am really addicted to the Aero Interface of it! Look like I had to get one from the up coming PC Fair.

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