Thursday, April 15, 2010


Finally, I completed my FYP.

FYP is Final Year Project, a term that widely used in MMU, but most local university prefer the term, thesis.

And I believe, most people hate it. (right?)

This project had been started since last year November 2009, duration until April 2010, about 7 months of planning and implementation, which I learned A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT x 10000.

Project successfully implemented on time, with most expected features. When I submitted it just now, a sudden feeling of emptiness in my mind. Not because I had nothing to do anymore, but this project already took about 85% of my brain capacity, and I need time to get balance.

Computer was my best friend, my primary language become C#, sometimes woke up at 8am with the whole brain full of codes and algorithm, ish.

I can’t remember the last time what movie I watched… I can’t remember when is the last time I walk in a mall… I can’t remember when I got haircut, I can’t remember when I back hometown…

(actually I do remember, just the time is too long~)

This project, makes me realized that everyone has weakness. I have my weakness, you have your weakness, and I shall not assume everyone has the skill that I have.

To my FYP partner leekian, sorry for some quarrel during this project, I learned my lessons, and thanks for your all kind of support, directly or indirectly, you do did a great job. I did promise will score A for this project, and I can see we really tried our best, thank you to make this project complete on time, the rest is up to the moderator and supervisor. Thanks again to be my partner.

So, FYP completion present came early. I bought a new Seba iGoR skates for myself, and train hard to get to Korea for my first big competition~ (hopefully)


Congratulation to everyone who completed the FYP on time (and myself). I need to slowly get back my life!

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