Friday, February 15, 2008

I really fucking hot now!

This Tuesday after class, it's about 1610, I went to CNYE booth and see what can I help, suddenly, a security officer came to me:

officer: pelajar MMU ke?
Me: (think a while, I didn't break any rules) Ya.
officer: mana ID?
Me: (you don't believe me is it? show him my student ID)
officer: u tau u sudah lakukan 1 kesalahan.
Me: Har? apa kesalahan?
officer: u pakai seluar pendek.
Me: ini salah ke?
officer: ya, u pi tengok STAD sana.

And he kneel down in front of me and write the fine slip on his knee. Look like bow to me. God damn Dog, his name is Muzaffar! Remember that bowing dog's name!

My innocent summon.

This is actually what I wear:

On the rules and regulation, section 29.4(c), it stated:

(c) The only type of shorts that are allowed to be worn on campus is Bermuda shorts. This particular clothing item should cover the knees completely, or be not more than two inches above the knees.

Let me tell you some definition: A pants that not very long but cover knees are consider as Bermuda shorts. What I wearing is Bermuda Shorts!

but following 29.4(c), it stated:

Bermuda shorts can be worn after office hours only.

i) Shorts are not allowed to be worn on campus at any time of the day either by male or female students except for sporting activities, which are only allowed at such times when students are involved in such activities.

OK, the time is 4:10pm, it's office hour, but I SAID I am going for Archery training, and I walk through campus area from car park to the field, and it's consider wrong?!!!! I know I am in campus but I just walk through!!!

I talk with the Director of Security, Victor Joseph, and can you please~~~ don't act like very pro, talk so much cock, and make judgement like Einstein? I am talking facts, not angry! The cock that you talk making me angry! Here is end of the conversation:

Victor: Don't angry young man~ This is the rules~ I also want to be your friend~(cib*i on his face) So now how much you want to pay?

Me: (frustrated with his act pity technique) If I am wrong, I should pay RM20 (the actual fine), if I am not wrong, I shouldn't pay single sen.

Victor: OK, so you go back and find more prove to show that you are not wrong, don't angry~ young man~

Me: (Turn around and walk out), OK! OK! ( and show him my finger while he didn't notice)

I lose.

After argument:

I try so hard to defence myself, I read all the rules and regulations, trying to find bugs between it, and I complain to Head of Security, taking photo as prove, and finding witness too. Not because I don't have RM20, is because I don't think I am wrong!

I didn't hate you, Victor, you doing your job, I understand(but I do hate your fucking pro acting style!!!). What I hate is the close minded of this society, so narrow, so shallow. If even normal wearing also no freedom, so what is freedom in Malaysia?

Thanks Robin who be my witness.

Today's quote:

to make the system works, rules and regulations are very important, and no exception should be made on individual judgement, I know it's this is cruel, but just how it works.......

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Anonymous said...

wow.. salute you.. you act 1 2 argue so much with those unreasonable people..
kane my campus also got.. tat day b4 cny week, they do road block.. my hair consider long!! wtf.. but thank god la.. i got good mouth.. then they let me go.. rest of my frens kena.. sometimes just say properly to the security.. they will let u go de.. lol..

Anonymous said...


MMU security sucks lar, as if they are the biggest! They never go and find out who are the people who pays their salary.. Knn I really hate mmu securities! Everyone of them!!

narrowband said...

Last time, if I'm wearing shorts or bermudas, I walk quickly (during office hours) to do what I want to do (go bank, or whatever). It is understandable that shorts are not allowed in campus during office hours. Even going to meet my lecturer at 4pm++ in shorts, I got this weird look from the guard on ground floor. I remember being told once, but not fined.

That guard who asked for your ID was unfair to ask for ur ID before telling you about what's going on. He tricked you into giving him the ID first before proceeding to tell you about your fault. If I know he's going to fine me, I'll say "thank you bye" and walk off with my ID and don't give a damn about him.

Actually the rules is right. If you're just going to the bank, I think it's still ok. But if you intend to stop somewhere do work (help at the booth), it's like you're on duty so, that's why they misunderstood even though you were just passing by. But I am sure it was in the way they talked to you - rudely without respect. The guards there memang like that one.

VHanded Cheepeng said...

yung: I just hate those high post officers, those check cars and wearing white uniforms are nice.

narrowband: At least they never bother you. If they don't like it, no matter what, they cannot fine me! I sick of argue with those irrational dogs, just pay them RM20 for some dog cracker la.

Since this new President from UNITEN come in, MMU is becoming so strict, every morning road block and a lot and fining can be seen everyday, just for a small small matter that won't affect security like hair and bermuda shorts. Fuck that botak president.

rgBALA said...

mmu becoming like school d...really hate these ppl!!! g.jasmon rocks!

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