Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vista Campus Launch, only in MMU.

Microsoft Malaysia will hold a Vista Campus Launch in MMU Melaka, and, I am one of the small committee in the event, yeas!(Just a low rank working committee la....) but really excited to be it!

For your information, this event for me is not just a Vista Launch, I get the chance to get a FREE genuine CD key from Microsoft, but the edition I may get is not yet confirm. Besides, all committees will get a certificate from Microsoft, and also a free T-shirt, plus handsome SAPS point (co-curriculum point in MMU).

Beside us, MMU Cyberjaya Branch will also hold the event, see their blog.

For this event, I will set up a website soon, please subscribe to my blog to get further information. Thank you!


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Tiensoon said...

Are you in IT Society MMU Melaka? ;)

Believe me, the SAPS point is practically useless :)

VHanded Cheepeng said...

you mean SAPS point from IT Society are useless? or you mean all SAPS points are useless? What I know is, IT Society is really a quiet and almost dead society in MMU, with relatively low participants and no big event, even small event is second semester... That's why I active in Engineering Society.

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